Crayon Series | Forgotten Children | Miscellaneous | TrueColor | LandSurveyors | Melodies | Close Up
Created for solo show at the Kim Foster Gallery
Press Release:
Faur starts out with photographs taken during the Great Depression as a reference to our current economic and social crisis. Portraits of anonymous individuals in desolate, empty landscapes make up a gallery of the powerful and the powerless. Inspired by Franz Kafka’s novel "The Castle" where the protagonist seeks to find work as a land-surveyor but gets caught up in the system’s bureaucracy, the title of the show serves as a metaphor for the impenetrability of a political system, that enables greed and corruption and leaves the individual at the whim of those in power.
Faur then reconstructs these grey WPA photographs with hundreds of differently colored crayons to give them back the lost color of their time. This idea is to be understood quite literally: although full color in film had been available in the '30s, cost did not permit its use. The economic crisis had removed color not only metaphorically from everyday life experiences but also from the aesthetic possibilities of its times.
The Land Surveyors